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American Southwest Run

Top 10 Runs of 2021 • 35m

Up Next in Top 10 Runs of 2021

  • British Columbia Coast Run

    Beautiful Vancouver Island sets the stage for most of this run along Canada’s western coast. Visit British Columbia’s charming capital Victoria, before heading into the woods for a trip along Pacific Rim National Park’s legendary West Coast Trail.

  • Santiago and Valparasio Run

    Visit a bustling capital and a colorful port in this two-city tour of Chile. In Santiago, see the presidential palace and climb to a castle on a hill. In Valparaíso, catch a vibrant funicular and climb painted staircases to sweeping seaside views. This version has no music, so you can use your ow...

  • Kauai Run

    Kauai is the gem of the Hawaiian Islands. This running adventure takes you from the idyllic beaches of Hanalei Bay to the highest swamp in the world, before finishing on top of the world with a breathtaking view of the Na Pali coast.